
“Kitchen”, video, installations, 2016

Every nation has its own unique identity, culture, mentality, and, of course, the kitchen. Cuisine largely reflects the traditions and identity of the people. There is a popular expression “we are what we eat”. The draft reflects not only the various national dishes, but also some aspects of life, lifestyle, attitude to the phenomena of modern society.


«My city. Choice», 2014

Topical becomes the question of the construction of buildings that define the look, structure and purpose of different objects in urban environment. As a result we introduce the main objects, construction of which is determined by many factors – the priority of development, mentality, economic situation and other factors. Such as, modern high-rise building (state, hotel, luxury residential), a Muslim mosque or a special for Asia, the object – the fountain becomes, in the end, the vector of state and social development – secular, business, religious, etc.
In the project “My city. The choice of the” urban construction, difficult and responsible in all senses here the game turns into a PUZZLE, where players become townspeople. Citizens are invited to make a choice of the object – the building, which is possible to build in an urban environment, on an empty construction site. You can choose from: modern urban building, a mosque and a fountain.
Thus, we determine the preferences of citizens, not burdened with the task of state planning, financing, etc. the Decision of construction of an object is determined only by the demand and desires of residents and win easy votes.


“The conversation”, installation, video, water, compressors, 2012

Endless conversations about politics, Economics and ecology often so to anything productive and don’t lead, and remain “bubbles”. And yet there is something valuable and eternal in our lives…


«Red. Proofreading » photo, 2011-2017

In the first years of independence on the wave of denial of the Soviet past there was an unspoken, but the Directive to abandon the red. It was considered a symbol of communism and Soviet ideology, so it was replaced by other colors – blue, green, etc. Sometimes the situation by adjusting the color reached the point of absurdity and become comical.


«The world of kind people» Collage, mixed technics, 2010

The artist is always interested in the image of the contemporary person; it is idea to transfer the present through the portraits. Who is this ordinary person living among us? It is representation of epoch and time through such person. He cold sells computers, loves dogs, looks at life with smile.

This project has specific representation.

The aesthetics of  national, primitive needlework expresses truly national perception  and representation. As well as that what we think about ourselves.


Internet exhibition “The streets of ancient Bukhara”

The Project “The streets of ancient Bukhara” intend to place in Internet exhibition space. The base are the fragments or whole types of ancient streets, houses. In this space placed different art objects: installations, video-arts,  paintings and graphics. Author’s works made as specially to exhibition as well as already created in harmony or contrast to the old city. Since in the frame of project are the objects of the old architecture (the symbols of the city), that help to decide one important task – history information about constructions and object..
Practically this would be virtual walk on the streets of old city: i.e. on one street exposition of one artist, on the following street – other artist etc.



Festival music and visual arts “BLACK BOX”, project “Open City”, “Ilkhom” theatre, Tashkent, 2008

«Want to be in Hollywood» video, 5 min, 2004

Project “Want to be in Hollywood” presents real ordinary person and his common life. What distinguishes him from the simple inhabitant? He has a dream – fetch up at Hollywood and become an actor! He make a clips, photo and send it to the different Hollywood companies. But every time he refused…

In this video art presents his documents:  biography (with the uncompleted director’s education at local theatre, course of film critics), a work-record card and photos.

He had a dream to get to America while he was served in the Soviet Army in Cuba (he played on the Cuban flag back ground.  acts on video on a background of the Cuban flag). Ironic situation of all post-Soviet space.

But, how know… May be everything will turn out?


«Gave him white stone with new name wrote on it, which nobody know but only who gets». Joann “Apocalypse”

Human’s life is a long way. And doesn’t matter what our past or present was well or bad, but train to future waits each on its way. Someone will be late and remain in past, someone will sit in other coach, but train will start…

We sitting with comfort and sometimes absolutely forget, why and where we go. And most of all the road in unknown lead us away and our aspiration to in a new place and know ourselves. What happened with us when the last bridge of past flashed behind.

There will be a new land and new sky. And who shell we are?..

«Aral sea», 2005

The problem of Aral Sea depicted by means of the bottles of mineral water consumed by the visitors during the performance. How many bottles did we drink? How many have left?

«The wings of Ikar», 2005

The ancient legend of Icarus who wanted to fly to the Sun on the wings made of feathers and wax… The wings of steel will not melt but will they fly?

“In search of perfection”, 2005

Very important problems of the immediate future are the creation and proliferation of the genetically modified products and the cloning of human beings. Where does the “playing God” lead us? To losing our face or to a total disintegration?


Art is a specific language, the instrumentation to put a question for society. It is the only one way to do it as well as the only one instrument for this is the heart of an artist, who is able to say aloud. And I have to say I want to live which means to pass a remark. A ship is floated, sailors are waiting for the order, sails filled with wind. The last thing we have to do to see on the mariner’s compass and realize: where to? Stand to the island “Spirituality” which is a little scarp in the ocean of chaos? In the deep among of impersonal society, quintessential of which is Aral the tragedy that going far away from the environmental catastrophe framework. Which become the symbol of dehumanization of our society, destruction and reducing to zero of individuals. Sandy, whiffing island among the enemy element is the very ark, on which the human race always was rescuing himself near the edge. Using the present day maps we have to round of the world more and more on our way to the island “Spirituality”. Is the crew ready to understand that there is no other way? How many times we’ll put the question for ourselves for understanding it’s value; how many times we’ll answer: yes. Say no means to falsify the existence of the sea.

His own ark everybody builds by himself. For the artist it is his creative works, search of his individuality, which necessitate his contradistinction to the community. But artist’s creative work, whether he will or not, is reflecting the social processes are the processes of destruction, so the images making by his hand are the images of destruction. Destruction and decay interpenetrate the mind of latter-day human (the social human), became his essential components.

«Stick of Peace», 2003

Existing world cultures has multifarious traditions, mentation. Distinctions determine by the place and history of evolution. But, absolutely, there is something common things, that regards to the every nation – it is an aspiration towards the experience and cognition, to the domestic development as well as to the outside development through the integration with the other cultures. I offer to make the symbol of this a pikestaff. This is the very thing that a wayfarer actually takes for the road – the road of pilgrimages. It is connection with the future discoveries. A pikestaff has existed by the all nations and cultures. This symbol is topical in nowadays, the days of global conflicts, disharmonies and disinclination to understand each other. The stick of Peace is appealing as symbol of unity of the nations, rapprochement of the cultures. The project “The Stick of Peace” assumes to set the sticks in the world cultures centres.