
“Real worlds”

“Arab cycle”

Recent in the works of Alexander Nikolaev the transition from the field of installations and video art in painting, has a very conceptual basis. Active participation in many international art forums and exhibitions, an understanding of the challenges and transformations taking place in contemporary art, drew this artist to unexpected changes in their searches. Nikolaev began to turn their reflection on the problems of modernity on the basis of a completely new context. Based on the adopted post-modernism interpretation of the classics, he turned to the style of classic European painting, quite rightly believing that the implementation of this experience will enrich not only contemporary art, but also in its “revive” the type of classic paintings. In search of a new language of painting, the artist has decided not to abandon my experience of video art, installations, objects and use it as a complex synthesis, as a new inter-species unity to the expression of relevant ideas.

As a result of these searches from picture to picture, A.Nikolaev came to create the original version of the painting, similar in concept to the film, that is, conceived according to the laws of a performance with its own internal drama. The painting is of landscape composition built according to the canons of classical painting. At first glance they are reminiscent of the pastoral or idyllic views of some of Arcadia. However, the artist in the structure of the work is being implemented specific meaning, story mission. Heroes, characters, scenes endowed with certain roles, as if they are convened for collective action. All this is aimed at creating a kind of game, offering the viewer to invent a libretto, compose your epilogue, to participate in the “screening” of the paintings of the artist.They shaped the language and content are revealed through the play of meanings with the use of sustainable, well-established in the minds of people, of diverse archetypes of modernity.

Exhibition of A.Nikolaev “Real worlds” – the statement of the artist about our reality, many events occurring in the world. Like any performance, and these “performances” of the artist need the audience. Especially those that are able to think about reality from different perspectives, based on their opinion, which can lay claim to objectivity.